

Configuration is an essential aspect of any cloud-native application. Effect simplifies the process of managing configuration by offering a convenient interface for configuration providers.

The configuration front-end in Effect enables ecosystem libraries and applications to specify their configuration requirements in a declarative manner. It offloads the complex tasks to a ConfigProvider, which can be supplied by third-party libraries.

Effect comes bundled with a straightforward default ConfigProvider that retrieves configuration data from environment variables. This default provider can be used during development or as a starting point before transitioning to more advanced configuration providers.

To make our application configurable, we need to understand three essential elements:

  • Config Description: We describe the configuration data using an instance of Config<A>. If the configuration data is simple, such as a string, number, or boolean, we can use the built-in functions provided by the Config module. For more complex data types like HostPort, we can combine primitive configs to create a custom configuration description.

  • Config Frontend: We utilize the instance of Config<A> to load the configuration data described by the instance (a Config is, in itself, an effect). This process leverages the current ConfigProvider to retrieve the configuration.

  • Config Backend: The ConfigProvider serves as the underlying engine that manages the configuration loading process. Effect comes with a default config provider as part of its default services. This default provider reads the configuration data from environment variables. If we want to use a custom config provider, we can utilize the Effect.setConfigProvider layer to configure the Effect runtime accordingly.


Effect provides a set of primitives for the most common types like string, number, boolean, integer, etc.

Let's start with a simple example of how to read configuration from environment variables:

import { Effect, Config } from "effect"
// $ExpectType Effect<never, ConfigError, void>
const program = Effect.gen(function* (_) {
  const host = yield* _(Config.string("HOST"))
  const port = yield* _(Config.string("PORT"))
  console.log(`Application started: ${host}:${port}`)

If we run this application we will get the following output:

(Missing data at HOST: "Expected HOST to exist in the process context")

This is because we have not provided any configuration. Let's try running it with the following environment variables:

HOST=localhost PORT=8080 ts-node primitives.ts

Now we get the following output:

Application started: localhost:8080

Fallback Values

In some cases, you may encounter situations where an environment variable is not set, leading to a missing value in the configuration. To handle such scenarios, Effect provides the Config.withDefault function. This function allows you to specify a fallback or default value to use when an environment variable is not present.

Here's how you can use Config.withDefault to handle fallback values:

import { Effect, Config } from "effect"
const program = Effect.gen(function* (_) {
  const host = yield* _(Config.string("HOST"))
  const port = yield* _(Config.withDefault(Config.number("PORT"), 8080))
  console.log(`Application started: ${host}:${port}`)

When running the program with the command:

HOST=localhost ts-node withDefault.ts

you will see the following output:

Application started: localhost:8080

Even though the PORT environment variable is not set, the fallback value of 8080 is used, ensuring that the program continues to run smoothly with a default value.

Custom Configurations

In addition to primitive types, we can also define configurations for custom types. To achieve this, we use primitive configs and combine them using Config operators (zip, orElse, map, etc.) and constructors (setOf, arrayOf, table, etc.).

Let's consider the HostPort data type, which consists of two fields: host and port.

export class HostPort {
  constructor(readonly host: string, readonly port: number) {}
  get url() {
    return `${}:${this.port}`

We can define a configuration for this data type by combining primitive configs for string and number:

import { Config } from "effect"
export class HostPort {
  constructor(readonly host: string, readonly port: number) {}
  get url() {
    return `${}:${this.port}`
// $ExpectType Config<[string, number]>
const both = Config.all([Config.string("HOST"), Config.number("PORT")])
// $ExpectType Config<HostPort>
export const config =
  ([host, port]) => new HostPort(host, port)

In the above example, we use the Config.all(configs) operator to combine two primitive configs Config<string> and Config<number> into a Config<[string, number]>.

If we use this customized configuration in our application:

import { Effect } from "effect"
import * as HostPort from "./HostPort"
// $ExpectType Effect<never, ConfigError, void>
export const program = Effect.gen(function* (_) {
  const hostPort = yield* _(HostPort.config)
  console.log(`Application started: ${hostPort.url}`)

when you run the program using Effect.runSync(program), it will attempt to read the corresponding values from environment variables (HOST and PORT):

HOST=localhost PORT=8080 ts-node HostPort.ts
Application started: localhost:8080

Top-level and Nested Configurations

So far, we have learned how to define configurations in a top-level manner, whether they are for primitive or custom types. However, we can also define nested configurations.

Let's assume we have a ServiceConfig data type that consists of two fields: hostPort and timeout.

import * as HostPort from "./HostPort"
import { Config } from "effect"
class ServiceConfig {
  constructor(readonly hostPort: HostPort.HostPort, readonly timeout: number) {}
const config: Config.Config<ServiceConfig> =
  Config.all([HostPort.config, Config.number("TIMEOUT")]),
  ([hostPort, timeout]) => new ServiceConfig(hostPort, timeout)

If we use this customized config in our application, it tries to read corresponding values from environment variables: HOST, PORT, and TIMEOUT.

However, in many cases, we don't want to read all configurations from the top-level namespace. Instead, we may want to nest them under a common namespace. For example, we want to read both HOST and PORT from the HOSTPORT namespace, and TIMEOUT from the root namespace.

To achieve this, we can use the Config.nested combinator. It allows us to nest configs under a specific namespace. Here's how we can update our configuration:

const config: Config.Config<ServiceConfig> =
    Config.nested(HostPort.config, "HOSTPORT"),
  ([hostPort, timeout]) => new ServiceConfig(hostPort, timeout)

Now, if we run our application, it will attempt to read the corresponding values from the environment variables: HOSTPORT_HOST, HOSTPORT_PORT, and TIMEOUT.

Testing Services

When testing services, there are scenarios where we need to provide specific configurations to them. In such cases, we should be able to mock the backend that reads the configuration data.

To accomplish this, we can use the ConfigProvider.fromMap constructor. This constructor takes a Map<string, string> that represents the configuration data, and it returns a config provider that reads the configuration from that map.

Once we have the mock config provider, we can use Effect.setConfigProvider function. This function allows us to override the default config provider and provide our own custom config provider. It returns a Layer that can be used to configure the Effect runtime for our test specs.

Here's an example of how we can mock a config provider for testing purposes:

import { ConfigProvider, Layer, Effect } from "effect"
import * as App from "./App"
// Create a mock config provider using ConfigProvider.fromMap
const mockConfigProvider = ConfigProvider.fromMap(
  new Map([
    ["HOST", "localhost"],
    ["PORT", "8080"]
// Create a layer using Layer.setConfigProvider to override the default config provider
const layer = Layer.setConfigProvider(mockConfigProvider)
// Run the program using the provided layer
Effect.runSync(Effect.provide(App.program, layer))
// Output: Application started: localhost:8080

By using this approach, we can easily mock the configuration data and test our services with different configurations in a controlled manner.


What sets Config.secret apart from Config.string is its handling of sensitive information. It parses the Config value and wraps it in a Secret, a data type designed for holding secrets.

When you use console.log on a secret, the actual value remains hidden, providing an added layer of security. The only way to access the value is by using Secret.value(secret).

Here's a simple example to illustrate:

import { Effect, Config, ConfigProvider, Layer, Console, Secret } from "effect"
const program = Config.secret("API_KEY").pipe(
  Effect.tap((secret) => Console.log(`console.log: ${secret}`)),
  Effect.tap((secret) => Console.log(`Secret.value: ${Secret.value(secret)}`))
        ConfigProvider.fromMap(new Map([["API_KEY", "my-api-key"]]))
console.log: Secret(<redacted>)
Secret.value: my-api-key

In this example, you can see that when logging the secret using console.log, the actual value is replaced with <redacted>, ensuring that sensitive information is not exposed. The Secret.value function, on the other hand, provides a controlled way to retrieve the original secret value.